
The Scarborough Association for Mathematics Education is a local chapter of the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education.

The Ontario Association for Mathematics Education is the professional organization for everyone interested in Mathematics Education in Ontario.

The mission of the OAME is to promote excellence in mathematics education throughout the Province of Ontario.

OAME membership entitles you to:

  • automatic membership in a local chapter of your choice
  • a reduction in registration fees at local conferences
  • a copy of the 'Gazette' published quarterly offering you a wealth of current teaching ideas for both elementary and secondary educators
  • a medium through which we have a strong voice with the Ministry of Education in shaping mathematics instruction in our province
  • a voice in the process of refining mathematics education across the province
  • access to the OAME website and the web-sites of local chapters, through which new curriculum ideas and upcoming events are constantly displayed
  • be part of a large network of mathematics professionals teaching in our province